Partial truckload shipping is one of the most popular shipping methods used by many small merchants when shipping their goods. It is also characterized by its reasonable costs and suitable capacity for small goods, as well as being one of the fastest shipping modes. This is because they do not stop during transit but head towards their final destination, which means that goods are processed through them faster. In this article, we will provide you with all the details about this method of shipping and how it works as well.

Partial truckload definition

partial truckload

It is a shipping mode that does not need to use a full truckload trailer when shipping various items.

The partial truckload, which is between full load and LTL, helps this type of truck pass through the crossing gates faster, because it involves less handling.

Benefits of partial truckload

The partial truckload option is the perfect solution for anyone who wants a more affordable shipping method.

It is located between full and half full cargo load, and it brings users many benefits, the most important of which are:

  • Use of one truck, as it ensures that you collect your cargo in one truck during the shipping process, this means that items are loaded once and unloaded once which will reduce transit times and thus speed up the shipping process.
  • Avoid additional fees associated with reclassification of shipping, which is one of the main benefits of partial truckload shipping that distinguishes it from other shipping methods.
  • Reducing cargo handling time, which helps reduce the chances of errors, so it is the most suitable option for shipments for shipments that are prone to damage during the shipping process.

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Disadvantages of partial truckload

partial truckload

Despite the amazing advantages that partial truckload shipping has, this method has a number of disadvantages, and the following are the main disadvantages of partial truckload shipping:

  • Having lower load capacity than other shipping methods, which makes a large number of shipping companies not provide partial truckload shipping methods.
  • The high degree of complexity when using this method of shipping due to the low shipping capacity which makes this method not widely available with shipping companies.
  • Shipping fees are constantly changing, as partial truckload shipping costs are determined by the market itself, based on the route and miles traveled during the shipping process.

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The difference combination of partial and shared truckload

Many find it difficult to choose between partial truckload shipping and shared truckload shipping. In fact, there is a difference between them. Whereas:

  • Partial truckload is used to transport cargo in one shipment and its load capacity is limited and costs are determined by the market itself and are borne by the individual.
  • In the case of a shared truckload, the person shares with another person or group of people in transporting his goods, that is, he does not consume the load alone, that is, he takes a share of it according to what suits him. Thus, it is less expensive, but in return it is more disruptive and takes a long time to process because it stops at many stations during the transfer process.

So when choosing between them, specify your requirements and choose according to them. And if you want to keep costs down, you can use shared truckload shipping.