It is very important to prepare accurate and clear product content, especially since any problems with product content will result in huge losses. So product content faces a lot of hurdles for any brand. In the competitive market now, the brands are very competitive among themselves, and the consumer has more than one option to choose between them.

So every company needs to effectively manage its product content in order to stay in the market and maintain its brand and position.

And in this article, we will show you all the details about the most important obstacles that your product content may face in your company and how to face them.

Product content hurdles and how to avoid them:

product content

Here are the 5 most common product content hurdles and how to successfully overcome them.

Thus preserving your brand and your customers while staying in the current competitive market:

1. Disorganized product data lost in spreadsheets

It is very important to manage product content in organized tables so that data is not lost.

Also, putting data in unorganized and multiple tables makes it difficult to update and follow them on a regular basis, and this is one of the problems that hinder business owners.

So always make sure that the data is organized in tables belonging to one central location.

Which will help you keep track of your work and ensure that the workflow is simple and efficient.

2. Tedious data transformation for each retailer’s specifications

The second significant obstacle to product content is the presence of more than boring product descriptions from different Retail stores.

Your job here is to try to harmonize those features and specifications in a perfect way that helps consumers understand it.

Organizing product specifications and attributes helps your team to update the information on each product better and faster.

Especially since if it is not coordinated, it will take them at least 6 hours to prepare a single product.

3. Item data errors

It often happens and there are huge errors in product content, and this is also due to the use of multiple or disorganized spreadsheets.

Also, having errors in product scopewill cost you a lot, especially as it may be the reason for the termination of partnerships with you.

So always make sure to avoid using multiple or disorganized tables, and check item data as you enter it so you don’t waste time fixing it from the start.

4. Lost sales opportunities

Having a problem with the quality of your product content will clearly affect your sales, and in return, having an integrated description of your product will help you attract the audience.

Therefore, you need to provide strong and relevant product scope, in order to avoid sales losses.

Statistics have proven that 35% of incomplete Purchase Orders are due to incomplete or incorrect content of the offered products.

5. Excessive returns

Inaccurate product scope can cause your returns to be increased, and sometimes entire customers lost.

That’s why you need to be accurate and honest in providing product content for your products.

You can provide complete and detailed content for the products you offer, so consumers can understand your product.

This will help you reduce returns and avoid any further losses caused by product content inaccuracies.